With the advent of autumn, a series of fun, festive days begins. The very first, bright and cheerful, is Halloween. This ancient holiday, which came from the distant past, began to be celebrated quite recently. And although its story is creepy, now Halloween is celebrated with fun and flamboyance. Of course, such an event obliges you to observe a certain style: costumes, hairstyles, makeup, and manicure. You can’t do without funny nail art on this date. There are a lot of Halloween manicure ideas, there are no restrictions, it is only important to follow the theme of the holiday. Check out awesome photo ideas for Halloween nails!

Halloween nails with funny pumpkins
The pumpkin theme is most common in Halloween nail designs. Choose a tone as the base color so that the orange pumpkin does not blend into the background. You can use gradient and multicolor. The pumpkin should be depicted symbolically: eyes and a smile, or in its entirety. If the drawing is schematic, then it can be used on all nails. But it is better to make an artistic image on one and decorate the rest with a flame. If the main background is bright: from red to mint, do not use sparkles and rhinestones. They can overload the design and look ridiculous. You can choose any shape of nails for such a manicure. But most of all, a square, a soft square, and an oval are suitable for Halloween manicure.

Spider Halloween nail designs
Black, white, and navy blue backgrounds work best for nails with spiders and cobwebs. The cobweb can be drawn on all fingers and a spide on one finger. But the insect can also be divided: draw one half on one finger, the other on the other. Decorate an insect or depict dew drops on a cobweb: rhinestones or the “drop” technique are used.

Witch cat Halloween nails 2022
What is Halloween without cats? Cats are a chic option for Halloween nail drawings. Moreover, they can be combined with any nail design. For example, a cat is drawn on one hand, and the cat's eyes on the other. It is better to depict a cat schematically, in silhouette. You can complement the pattern on other nails with cat paws, noses, and ears. Any background, there are no special requirements.

Halloween nails with bats
It is a chic version of a Halloween manicure. The base background is dark, best of all in blue tones. Gradient-based airbrushing looks especially advantageous. Then the effect of the night sky is created, the moon and a bat against its background. As a decor, you can use glitter, which will create the effect of stars.

Halloween nails with witch paraphernalia
Here the scope for imagination is unlimited: brooms, hats, chains. Everything that the soul desires. The base background is chosen bright and juicy, the lighter the better. You can use any decor: sequins, rhinestones, foil.

Halloween nail designs with skeletons and ghosts
Mostly use the "cartoon" style. The base coat can be anything. Drawing can be done on one nail, or on all at once. For such a manicure, it is better not to use rhinestones or glitter as decoration. Well, except that you can depict the eyes of the skull with rhinestones.

Nails with blood drops and stains
What causes unpleasant associations in most people? Blood stains, smudges, and droplets are often depicted on the nails for a spectacular Halloween manicure. Performing a similar nail design for Halloween is quite simple and “bloody” nail art on nails of different lengths will do. Blood smudges can be depicted on the fingertips or at the hole, carefully drawing droplets of blood or leaving red marble "bloody" nails. As you can see, there are many variations of nail designs with imitation of blood on the nails, and the choice is yours.

Halloween nails with gloomy shadows
The usual Halloween nail design has become a range of shades in black, white, orange, and red. And using these shades, you can bring to reality an intriguing Halloween 2022 manicure with ghosts, tree shadows, a cemetery, and other gloomy and frightening sketches. Crosses, silhouettes of people, falling shadows of trees, and bats can be made in black on an orange or white base, which looks unusual.
